Writer, Textile Artist, Plantswoman

Year: 2011

Putting it out there…

I’ve given a PechaKucha about this… and I created a personal essay for an e-portfolio class about it as well. I had better put it somewhere where I can study it now.

The 12 Photo Quilt project:

The Project:

These are 12 of my own photos. They feature abstractions that focus on color, shape and the division of space. I want to render them or re-present them using fabric and stitchery. It may mean abstracting them further… or, for some, it will be mimesis.

Hopefully, when the twelve quilt blocks are assembled, the quilt will become the centerpiece of an exhibition with the twelve photos individually mounted as well. We’ll see…


Morning glory!

Just a little lesson in paying attention to what beauties are around you. Yesterday morning when I came out to drive to work, I saw this tiny Morning Glory blossom nestled among the gravel of what is currently our front walk — doing the brick paving thing being too expensive an undertaking at the moment. I have never planted morning glories so this is clearly a volunteer from the garden of one of my neighbors. And it only opens up for a short while in the day… when I got home around 5:00 it had gone to bed for the night. Sometimes beauty is unexpected… and fleeting.

In recovery!

Please be patient while I reassemble my website after being hacked by some sleaze bags in some other part of the world. The number of hours it takes to recover from that is staggering. But I will not give up. Moving to the WordPress platform from plain old HTML is the first step.

Links to follow.

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