Puss in the Corner uses 2″ squares to make up the corner squares and arrow point squares made from 2″ HSTs (Half Square Triangles). This is where the Magic 8 HST technique can really save time! For the corner squares, one can also combine the row of two 2″ squares with a 2″x4″ rectangle, as in this example.  A variation would have the outer corner squares and the middle 4″ square be the same fabric.

Use what you have learned from doing Four Crowns and Weather Vane to complete this block.

Use the Nine Patch assembly method to put the block together. Alternating the central square with one of the other fabrics can very effective with this block when you are using it for an entire quilt.

Use the Magic 8 Half Square Triangle instructions to determine the cutting dimensions for the four “arrow point” squares. It’s much easier than trying to sew the two smaller triangles to a larger triangle—dealing with the stretch of the bias cuts will simply make you weep.

You are looking for a 2″ finished square to start. You then combine two of the Magic 8 “HST squares” to create the top and bottom half of your 4″ (finished) square. I have the assembly method for both the corner and arrow point squares below.

To complete this block you will need:

1 – 4-1/2″ square for the centre

Corner squares:
4 – 2-1/2″ squares in one contrast color A
4 – 2-1/2″ squares in one background color

Arrow Point squares:
8 – 2-1/2″ squares made from Half Square Triangles in background and contrast color B
8 – 2-1/2″ squares made from Half Square Triangles in contrast colors A and B

Assemble the squares using the same 9 patch block method — if you use the Magic 8 method, the first assembly in the Arrow Point Squares will be done for you.


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